
Hi all. When I was 12, the teacher asked everyone in the class what they would like to become, their ambitions, in the future. My reply was to be a taxi driver. I was immediately reprimanded to “review” my thoughts. I was the odd one out as the ‘norm’ was doctor, lawyer, engineer, bank officer and so on. I explained that the taxi driver is the only person whom in his own car travelled all over the country and see places and beyond. I had wanted that, the sense of adventure, just to go somewhere-it did not matter where but just to go, and to seeing what lay beyond. However, to conform, I replied, a teacher.

Over time, that youthful enthusiasm developed and  could afford both the time and financially. I exercised that enthusiasm. I had travelled to some amazing places and had wonderful experiences. The main reason for this blog is for my families and friends to follow and share my intrepid journeys. I would like to share these journeys 4all to see. All my journeys have been brief yet meaningful and sufficient to tell a short story – about a faraway land filled with mysticism, cultures and amazing landscapes. I very much believe in earth-bound travels [although occasionally fly to save time] and  budget in mind with a backpack named Nomad.   To me ; travelling is exercising the enthusiasm in me to see the beyond.  Plus, some interesting tales along the way. Live today and Go now for Time does not wait!

Happy travels.

15 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey, I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog!…..I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work! 🙂

    – Marc Shaw

    1. Thanks Marc. I am just a novice writer. Glad you like it. Still behind time , slowly….but surely..Cheers mate.

  2. G’day nomad4all. I have been reading your blog as time goes on, Sounds like you has a great trip after we left you at Puerto Williams.
    Kindest regards

    1. Hi Daryl. Good to know that you are well and have returned home from the deep south of earth. Yes, my journey continued to be fantastic. I am a little late in writing now but keep reading mate. Chiao.

  3. Hi, I’m an art director, selecting photos for covers book (pocket books) in Italy, please, if I would like to utilize one of yours (Fantastic photos indeed! Bravi!), what shall I do?

    1. Hi Marco
      Thank you for your pleasant comment. To be honest, I am quite intrigued. There a few considerations:-
      Firstly, I would be pleased if one or more of my photos are recognised. However, could kindly identify the photo/s that you are interested in.
      Secondly, what is this book about – the subject matter or story?
      Thirdly, you can certainly use my photo but I would like acknowledgement or credit in the final product.
      Fourth, I would certainly like to get a copy of your book, basically to be proud of my picture in your book.
      I am armature photographer but an enthusiastic traveller. I would certainly appreciate any financial offer. Since you are involved in the industry, perhaps you could make some suggestions. Is this to be used in a single book or multiple use? Exclusive? Would it matter if I have used this photo in my self published book for personal use only? Finally, how do you propose I deliver this selected photo/s?
      Looking forward to you positive comment and reply.

    2. Hi Marco. Happy New Year. I have updated my site with more travel pictures. Hope you’ll like some of them. Take care.

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Earthbound Travel Stories